Episode 10: F# and Functional Programming
In this group episode I was joined by Scott Wlaschin, Isaac Abraham, and Ian Russell - to talk all about F#! This is .NET’s functional programming language, and we discussed functional programming, and the benefits of using a functional programming language like F#, whilst also comparing it to other languages like C#.
Guests' social links
Links from the show
- F# for fun and profit (Scott’s website)
- Ian’s “Introduction To Functional Programming In F#” blog post series
- Isaac’s book: “Get Programming with F#"
- Scott’s book: “Domain Modeling Made Functional”
- Dan’s “Writing More Succinct C#” blog post
- C# code-snippet Dan referred to when talking about using LINQ on a single object
- Nancy Framework
- Carter
- API Endpoints
- Diamond Kata:
- Book: “Stylish F#” by Kit Eason (@kitlovesfsharp)
- Blog post: “Ten reasons not to use a statically typed functional programming language” (“Like most programmers, I’m naturally conservative and I dislike learning new things. That’s why I picked a career in IT." is from this post)
- “Why We Sleep” book (from one of the dev-tips)
Links related to the topics we discussed
- Composition:
- Video: “The Power of Composition” - explains piping and other composition techniques
- Video and blog: “Railway oriented programming” - shows some composition techniques for error handling
- Property Based Testing:
- Functional architecture:
- Video: “Reinventing the Transaction Script” - talks about pushing I/O to the edges
- Video: “Functional architecture - The pits of success - Mark Seemann”
- Blog post: “Cyclic dependencies are evil”
- Video: “Domain Modeling Made Functional”
- Video: “F# for C# Programmers”
- Video: “F# Code I love” by Don Syme
- Isaac’s “FP on .NET” blog post series