Episode 22: Jetbrains Rider, and Code With Me
Everyone who knows me, knows I’m a massive fan of Jetbrains Rider! So it was about time we had an episode on it! In this episode, I was joined by both Maarten Balliauw and Kirill Skrygan to chat all about it. We discussed the Rider architecture, Code With Me, Remote Development; and also the awesome power of keyboard shortcuts!
Maarten Balliauw’s Bio
Maarten Balliauw loves building web and cloud apps. His main interests are in .NET web technologies, C#, Microsoft Azure and application performance. He is Developer Advocate at JetBrains, creator of SpeakerTravel, and formerly founded MyGet. He’s an ASP Insider and former Microsoft MVP. Maarten is a frequent speaker at various national and international events and organizes Azure User Group events in Belgium. In his free time, he brews his own beer. Maarten’s blog can be found at blog.maartenballiauw.be.
Kirill Skrygan’s Bio
Kirill is the lead on Jetbrains ‘Code With Me’ and Remote Development in Intellij and friends. He’s also the ex-lead on Jetbrains Rider.