In this episode, I was joined by Mattias Karlsson to chat about Cake! Nope, not the food - something even better! Cake is a build orchestration tool where your builds scripts are written in C#. There are tons of addons for most tasks you can think of, and it’s easy to write your own. And you can run these all locally just like you would on the build agent. I dread to think how many many days I’ve lost when doing CI/CD natively in YAML where I’ve had to push to CI/CD, waiting for a build agent to pick it up, just to find that I’d got a path or indentation wrong. Doing this locally in Cake dramatically reduces that developer cycle. And thanks to the VSCode extension adding intellisense and linting - this is reduced even further.

Mattias Karlsson is a Partner and Technical fellow at WCOMAB. He’s a Microsoft Azure and Developer Technologies MVP, and is on the Board Of Directors at the .NET Foundation. He’s also a conference organiser, and open-source maintainer and contributor.

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